Our Team


The Aquarian Minyan is governed by an elected Council. Although the Minyan has no permanent building for its worship, we do have a Rabbi-in-Residence (Jonathan Seidel) and a Tech Assistant (Jennifer Ganya) We utilize a variety of communicative modalities to inform members and friends  about upcoming events. A weekly e-mail update of events is also available to all, and can be subscribed to here on our web site.

There are many opportunities for interested participants to volunteer in this member-led enterprise! Members can serve on committees that plan and manage programs, welcome new members to the community, raise funds, and care for the ill and the bereaved, and much more. Members interested in service leadership can join the committee on spiritual leadership, which plans and presents services and deals with other spiritual issues. Reach out and get involved!

Our Staff

Rabbi Jonathan Seidel PhD

Rabbi in Residence

Jennifer Ganya, Administrative Asst.

The Aquarian Minyan Council

as of November 2022


Secretary: Miriam Stampfer

Treasurer: Sophie Miron

Council Members-at-Large:


Hanna Cohen

Miriam stampfer

Robert Stang

acorn sunbeam

Marty Potrop