Often, during the past many years, Marty Potrop z”l and I would spend Christmas Eve going to different services, live or on Zoom. It was one of our rituals as friends. This year, Christmas Eve loomed and I felt very off because how could there be a Christmas Eve (and many other occasions) without Marty?
I went up close to talk to his picture on the table in my living room and was blown away because while I got no answer to my question about Christmas Eve, there it was, hidden by his photo: the missing Memorial Book of pictures and bios/stories of those from our community who are no longer with us - the Niftar! And so now, I have two requests:
(1) Is there someone in the community who can work with me to create a place on the Minyan’s website where we can digitize and upload the entire Memorial Book? I have no idea how to do this.
(2) And, as you ponder your life, could you please share with me any stories, memories and/or pictures you may have of those Minyan Members who now live in our Memorial Book? I’m happy to put your words into text if you are most comfortable verbally sharing something, rather than writing it up.
That’s it. Blessings. Thank You.
Karen Roekard
*Note: The call for assistance with digital archiving is to be a mitzvah project and does not involve monetary compensation. If you are interested in volunteering your time and expertise to this project please contact Karen Roekard: