The Aquarian Minyan at 49 still going strong in the Post Covid Age
When you donate to The Aquarian Minyan, you get more than just a tax write-off from a non-profit organization. You get the emotional satisfaction and the spiritual zehut (merit) of supporting a completely unique, one-of-a-kind, historic and lay-led Jewish Renewal congregation that has served the Bay Area for nearly 50 years, “Living Room Judaism” style. We are eternally grateful for your support!
To Donate to the Minyan General Fund, including donations made in honor of a special person or occasion, and in remembrance of a departed loved one, please DONATE HERE
To make a sliding scale donation to individual teachers at The Aquarian Minyan Yeshiva, please DONATE HERE and indicate for which teacher(s) your donation is intended.
to donate to the AQUARIAN MINYAN’S “SHARE THE LOAD” CAMPAIGN, supporting our staffing needs, donate here
In the beginning (almost 50 years ago), The Aquarian Minyan ran exclusively on volunteer effort and energy. Many things have changed over the years! Today the Minyan cannot run solely on volunteer help unless some people devote their whole lives to it. It’s not good management and it’s not fair. We now have an excellent staff that needs our financial support.