From Shelah to Korach. Pursuing Justice in Light of Post Roe v Wade (by Rabbi Jonathan Seidel)

Every Parasha is strong, always present to us and challenging. Last weeks Parsha which shows the painful lessons of the False Reports of the Spies having grave consequences…many more years of waiting to go into the Land, and a deeply disturbing punishment of the those in the Midbar who cannot enter, only the next generation…Its as if they went “nowhere” coming out of Egypt and are still enslaved in this speaking silence of the Wilderness…And this weeks news seems to suggest the same: we have moved backward into the slavery of illegal abortion, far worse access to women’s health care and the danger of being in a new wilderness after the demise of Roe v. Wade. Whatever your position might be about “Personhood” and yes, there are many Jews who consider abortion to be murder (not the majority by far) one must see this Conservative strategic move as a triumph of the Christian right wing. Do we really want to force 12 year old vicitms of Rape to give birth? Victims of incest? Women whose lives are endangered by pregnancy? We as Jews, as ethical Americans must allign with people of color who are far more endangered by the new Supreme Court ruling. This latest move, to my mind, which hints at further dark ominous decisions, provides further evidence of the March of the Conservative Christian Right wing and allied with White supremacy. We must fight back and question this decision decisively with action. The time of mourning is over and the time of “Hora’at Sha’ah” הוראת שעה (critical time) for women’s rights over their own bodies is here…I hope we can all question leadership right now, but unlike Korach, do it in the right way. Let’s find a way to get out there and protest, make our voices known and create the energy to force the President’s hand to help protect women’s rights. Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof…צדק צדק תרדוף lets pursue justice justly and and get going to find ways to save our country from the wave of gun violence and the assault on women’s rights. It’s the Mitzvah of the Moment and requires the courage of Caleb and Joshua.